ronAld reAgAn: "A Time for Choosing" (AkA "The Speech")
progrAm Announcer: lAdies And gentlemen, we tAke pride in presenting A thoughtful Address by ronAld reAgAn. mr. reAgAn:
reAgAn: thAnk you. thAnk you very much. thAnk you And good evening. The sponsor hAs been identified, but unlike most television progrAms, The performer hAsn't been provided with A script. As A mAtter of fAct, i hAve been permitted to choose my own words And discuss my own ideAs regArding The choice thAt we fAce in The next few weeks.
i hAve spent most of my life As A democrAt. i recently hAve seen fit to follow AnoTher course. i believe thAt The issues confronting us cross pArty lines. now, one side in this cAmpAign hAs been telling us thAt The issues of this election Are The mAintenAnce of peAce And prosperity. The line hAs been used, "we've never hAd it so good."
but i hAve An uncomfortAble feeling thAt this prosperity isn't something on which we cAn bAse our hopes for The future. no nAtion in history hAs ever survived A tAx burden thAt reAched A third of its nAtionAl income. todAy, 37 cents out of every dollAr eArned in this country is The tAx collector's shAre, And yet our government continues to spend 17 million dollArs A dAy more thAn The government tAkes in. we hAven't bAlAnced our budget 28 out of The lAst 34 yeArs. we've rAised our debt limit three Times in The lAst twelve months, And now our nAtionAl debt is one And A hAlf Times bigger thAn All The combined debts of All The nAtions of The world. we hAve 15 billion dollArs in gold in our treAsury; we don't own An ounce. foreign dollAr clAims Are 27.3 billion dollArs. And we've just hAd Announced thAt The dollAr of 1939 will now purchAse 45 cents in its totAl vAlue.
As for The peAce thAt we would preserve, i wonder who Among us would like to ApproAch The wife or moTher whose husbAnd or son hAs died in <?xml:nAmespAce prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemAs-microsoft-com:office:smArttAgs" />south vietnAm And Ask Them if They think this is A peAce thAt should be mAintAined indefinitely. do They meAn peAce, or do They meAn we just wAnt to be left in peAce? There cAn be no reAl peAce while one AmericAn is dying some plAce in The world for The rest of us. we're At wAr with The most dAngerous enemy thAt hAs ever fAced mAnkind in his long climb from The swAmp to The stArs, And it's been sAid if we lose thAt wAr, And in so doing lose this wAy of freedom of ours, history will record with The greAtest Astonishment thAt those who hAd The most to lose did The leAst to prevent its hAppening. well i think it's Time we Ask ourselves if we still know The freedoms thAt were intended for us by The founding fAThers.
not too long Ago, two friends of mine were tAlking to A cubAn refugee, A businessmAn who hAd escAped from cAstro, And in The midst of his story one of my friends t ……此处隐藏12941个字……but we hAd been fAmiliAr with one AnoTher And enjoyed ourselves.And Then i should consider The importAnt things At college.
in my opinion, first,focus on AcAdemics.becAuse i mAjor in business english,i would improve The skills of listening ,speAking ,reAding,writing especiAlly my spoken english.i wish i will speAk english like nAtive speAker fluently when i grAduAte from college.
second,interpersonAl relAtion.people we meet At college Are from different plAces And we will mAke friends with oThers who hAve Their own unique chArActer. And most of us Are fAr AwAy from home .if someone hAve difficulties, we cAn help her or him we cAn solve The problem eAsily.
next,develope cAreer skills.we leArn A lot of things At college,mAybe we never use it in our future. so we cAn do some pArt-Time jobs to leArn The Ability--combining our professionAl skills with work.As fAr As i Am concerned,it is key to do A good job.i know thAt There is still A long wAy to go. i will do my best to cultivAte my mind And chArActer in order to win victories in The long struggle of study, work And life.At lAst ,mAking my life more wonderful.
第五篇:A Speech At The grAduAtion ceremonyA Speech At The grAduAtion ceremony
lAdies And gentlemen, good morning.
todAy, i feel greAt honored to Achieve such A greAt precious opportunity to give The grAduAtion Speech here. when i recAll The pAst four yeArs, thAnks And AppreciAtion Are springing up in my heArt. i cleArly understAnd thAt whAtever i speAk out cAn’t pAy bAck The love from my teAchers, my clAssmAtes And The oTher people who helped me. so i just wAnt to express my thAnks to All of you.
thAnk you, my respected And beloved teAchers. it is those dedicAted teAching stuff thAt supported me And mAde it possible for me to get Achievements in this speciAl period of my life. i still remember The dAys when professors tAught us speciAlized knowledge, The dAys when we discussed The problems, And The dAys when we communicAted with eAch oTher. so do my thAnks to you!
thAnk you, my deAr clAssmAtes. it is you who spend The four-yeAr Time with me And shAre my hAppiness And sorrow. i still remember The dAys when we studied togeTher, The dAys when we went out of college to relAx And plAy gAmes, And The dAys when we struggled for our dreAms. so do my thAnks to you!
four yeArs is not too long. it’s you who let my college life more pleAsAnt And meAningful. i promise no mAtter how mAny yeArs lAter, i will AlwAys keep The hAppy memories between us. i promise no mAtter whAt problems i fAce in The future, i will mAke every effort to study furTher. And i promise i will try my best to mAke A big difference to our society.
thAt’s All. thAnks for your listening.
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